orginal-cover-Abstract Earth Tones Wall Art Decor

Abstract Earth Tones Wall Art Deco...i

Abstract Earth Tones Wall Art Decor

Artist:  Fatemeh Feiznezhad

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The Mafiha Collection, I have always been drawn to the texture of objects and anything with a pleasing texture, rhythm, and form. However, flesh, as a substance shared by both humans and animals, has particularly captivated my attention. In this collection, I have drawn inspiration from flesh that, to me, evokes the form of the human body. I utilize its texture and rhythm to achieve an image that is familiar to the viewer but is not tangible or concrete. In this process, I disregard the realistic aspects of flesh and seek to discover a language that will enable me to materialize my mental images. To this end, I have conducted field research (photographing cuts of flesh at butcher shops) and studied artists who have used flesh in their works. I have sought to understand how and why they used this subject and the concepts they aimed to convey. Among the earliest works I encountered were Rembrandt's "Slaughtered Ox" and Francis Bacon's "flesh with Figure." In the latter, Bacon depicts a grotesque face between two halves of an ox, and the carcass of the painting is modeled after Rembrandt's "Slaughtered Ox." Every suffering human is a piece of flesh. While these artists depicted flesh realistically, my goal is to use the language of visual art to present a representation of the commonalities between my mind and objective reality (flesh), taking into account the achievements of past artists. It is worth noting that the complex circumstances of contemporary humanity and the various crises we face make the image of flesh a symbol of human helplessness and despair for me.

Artwork Details



Art Style:


Art Technic:

Material combination on cardboard


40 cm


20 cm


0 cm


0 kg
