Leather-cut Calligraphic Mosaic Art - Holy verses of Abas
Artist: Hamid Reza Behzadi Nezhad
Leather-cut Calligraphic Mosaic Art (Leather Naqsh-Bor - Soukht) A captivating interplay of texture and text defines this unique artwork. The artist meticulously cuts individual calligraphic letters from leather, their smooth surfaces contrasting with the natural grain of the material. These leather letters are then meticulously assembled to form a complete calligraphic frame. This innovative technique imbues the artwork with a sense of depth and dimension. The viewer's eye is drawn not only to the meaning conveyed by the calligraphy but also to the intricate craftsmanship involved in its creation. The leather elements become an integral part of the message, hinting at the enduring qualities of both art and language.
MarquetryArt Style:
Leather-cut MarquetryArt Technic:
30 cmWidth
20 cmDepth:
0 cmWeight:
0 kgd