orginal-cover-Esfandiar Kills Arjasb in Rooein Dej

Esfandiar Kills Arjasb in Rooein D...i

Esfandiar Kills Arjasb in Rooein Dej

Artist:  Parmis MozafariKakavand

Price: $90000

The artwork "Esfandiar Kills Arjasb in Rooein Dej," created by the artist Parmis Mozaffari between 2013 and 2017, measures 95 × 66 centimeters and is considered one of the prominent examples of Persian painting. This piece is made on natural paper that has been coated and polished with starch and mounted on thick cardboard. The artist has utilized high-quality materials such as gouache, watercolor, and 18-carat gold in three colors, which lend it a unique and captivating appearance. This artwork is currently located in Ontario, Canada, and is available for sale. For more information, you can refer to the book "Masterpieces of Persian Paintings," which mentions this work on page 61. Additionally, the Baysanguri Shahnameh, one of the most famous Shahnamehs, is kept and showcased in libraries and museums around the world. If you are interested in this unique piece, please contact us.

Artwork Details



Art Style:


Art Technic:

Guache And Watercolor And 18 carat Gold in 3 colors


95 cm


66 cm


0 cm


0 kg
