orginal-cover-Veiled Vision

Veiled Vision

Artist:  Milad Sharifizad

Price: $450

This piece explores the interplay of light and shadow, the veiled and the revealed. The figure, cloaked in darkness, represents a solitary soul navigating a world of scrutiny. Her eyes, partially concealed, suggest a desire for privacy amidst a sea of watchful eyes. The geometric pattern of eyes below, rendered in stark black and white, evokes a sense of both unity and fragmentation. The viewer is invited to contemplate the tension between individuality and collective consciousness, between the desire for connection and the fear of exposure. The contrast between the smooth surface of the canvas and the textured elements adds depth and complexity to the composition. The interplay of light and shadow creates a sense of drama and mystery, while the repetitive pattern of eyes suggests a sense of overwhelming surveillance. The overall effect is one of both intrigue and discomfort, inviting the viewer to consider the nature of human connection and the complexities of our shared experience.

Artwork Details



Art Style:


Art Technic:

Mixed media and acrylic on canvas


150 cm


100 cm


0 cm


0 kg
