orginal-cover-Surreal Heart Tree and Human Figure Art Print

Surreal Heart Tree and Human Figur...i

Surreal Heart Tree and Human Figure Art Print

Artist:  Sara Ghaderi

Price: $500

This is a captivating acrylic painting created in 2022. Measuring 80 by 80 cm, this piece features a rich palette of deep blues and greens that form a shadowy background, contrasting with the warm tones of reds, oranges, and yellows that define the central figure. The artist employs smooth blending techniques to create a sense of depth and texture throughout the composition. The use of light and shadow is masterfully manipulated to highlight the contours and curves within the work, giving it a three-dimensional feel on the flat canvas surface. This piece showcases the artist’s skill in color theory and application, resulting in a visually striking image that captures attention with its bold use of color contrast and meticulous detail.

Artwork Details



Art Style:


Art Technic:

Acrylic On Canvas


80 cm


80 cm


0 cm


0 kg
