
Ali Jaferi


Calligrapher of the Holy Quran and Inscription Artist.

Holder of master's degree in Iranian Nasta'liq script from the Iranian Calligraphers Association, and a calligraphy professor at the university level. Over four decades of formal teaching experience in calligraphy, successfully training many students in this field.

Second place in the International Calligraphy Competition in Turkey(IRCICA),1998.

Participated in group exhibitions since 1987.

Selected in the first Islamic word Calligraphy Festival in Tehran, 1997.

Written Works:

  • The Holy Quran.
  • Gulistan of Saadi,1989.
  • Rubaiyat of Omar khayyam, 1990.
  • Divan of Hafez, 2000.
  • And many other written works.