I am Sarah, born in Iran and currently living in the beautiful city of Moscow. I am a graduate of software engineering. I have been interested in painting since was a child and started earning painting in Iran as a teenager, trying different techniques. Like Pastels, Oil, Color Pencils, and Watercolors. But as I went further, my interest in the watercolor technique grew more and more. I had made a good friend and spent more hours with him. In my opinion, watercolor, like life, is full of different challenges. Sometimes it takes control of you and you have to move in its path, sometimes we have to let go of it and wait for an exciting event and sometimes we have to lead it to beautiful events, you have a new experience every moment and this is wonderful and Watercolor is my favorite medium to paint with, Painting with watercolor can bring the artist into such focused concentration. I like to work in mixed water media. I love the transparency, but I also love to push the limits of it. The fusion of water and color is very interesting, Water is elusive and abstract. Color can be seen and controlled in a concrete way. An artist must control this seemingly more accidental medium through the cultivation of his own subjectivity.
I create my favorite topics by watercolor. And I'm still waiting for something new to happen when I pick up the brush and start working.
Positions and Responsibilities
Vice president of International Watercolor Society (IWS GLOBE)
Founder of Sareh Art Gallery Moscow
Brand Ambassador Mijello Mission Korea
Officer and Watercolor Delegate to Russia with in MONDIAL ART ACADEMIA FRANCE
She has seat number 282 in the MONDIAL ART ACADEMIA FRANCE
Member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia
Member of the International Watercolor Federation of Russian
She has been in charge till now as Curator and organizer more than 65 International Art Exhibitions and Events (Russia, Iran ,China , Mexico ,Spain , Thailand, India,…..)
Jury Member of the International Watercolor Festival Turkey 2020
Jury Member of the International Watercolor Festival Turkey 2022
Jury Member of the International watercolor Competition Russia 2020,2021,2022-2023-2024
Jury Member of the International watercolor exhibition Ecuador 2019
Jury Member of the International online coffee painting contest IRAN 2021
Jury Member of the International watercolor exhibition and contest Iran & Turkey 2022!
Jury Member of the International watercolor exhibition and contest Iran-Russia 2022-2023-2024
Selected artist at exhibitions in Iran, USA, Switzerland, Italy (Fabriano and Urbino), Pakistan, Spain, Serbia, China, Bangladesh, Albania, Turkey, India, Ukraine, Hungary, Dubai, Thailand, Bulgaria, Hong Kong, Ecuador, Indonesia, Nepal, Poland, France, Singapore, Greece, Korea, Kosovo, Vietnam, Portugal, Czech Republic, Bolivia and other countries