Seyyed Reza- Mahdinia

Seyyed Reza Mahdinia


Date of Birth: 1952, Babol
Education: Master's Degree in Painting
Position: Director and Founder of Daireh Painting School since 1954
Professional Experience: Designer at "Horm Sazeh Khazar" for 3 years

  • Participated in over 60 group exhibitions at Seihoun, Laleh, Saba, Arya, Khayyam, etc.
  • Participated in the First Annual Design Festival in Karaj, 1957
  • First place in the national painting category at the "Porsesh Mehr" festival, 1957
  • Participated in 6 group workshops
  • Participated in the 8th National Biennial of Painting, Tehran, 1991

Solo Exhibitions:

  • Molaeian Gallery, Babol, 1957
  • Shahed Gallery, Tehran, 1992
  • Contemporary Museum, Isfahan, 1996
  • Khayyam Gallery, Babol, 1992
  • Art Gallery, Babol, 1998
  • Art Gallery, Babol, 1994