
Shirin Madani


Shirin Madani, a surrealist, visual, and figurative painter, was born in 1971 in Tehran. She is an active member of the American and Canadian Associations of Painters and Photographers and also a member of the United European Surrealists and Dark Artists. Shirin holds degrees in graphic design, painting, and psychology and has been professionally active in various artistic fields since 1991.

Personal and Educational Information:

  • Born in 1971, Tehran
  • Diploma in Graphic Design
  • Bachelor's and Master’s degrees in Painting
  • Bachelor's degree in Psychology


  • Member of the American and Canadian Associations of Painters and Photographers since 2005
  • Member of the United European Surrealists and Dark Artists since 2024

Professional Activities:

  • Began professional career in painting, digital painting, graphic design, and photography in 1991
  • Taught at the Tehran College of Fine Arts and the Universities of Art and Free Islamic University of Art from 1995 to 2004
  • Has been giving private lessons in her personal studio since 1998

Exhibitions and Workshops:

  • Participated in over 80 group exhibitions in Iran and over 40 international group exhibitions
  • Held 5 solo exhibitions in Iran and Europe
  • Participated in more than 30 workshops in various artistic fields

Awards and Honors:

  • Received several certificates of appreciation and honors diplomas
  • Achieved top ranks in painting, photography, and graphic design in Iran and abroad