Youna -Radfarnia

Youna Radfarnia


Youna Radfarnia was born on March 5, 2019, in Tehran, and is currently 5 years old. About six months ago, he developed a strong interest and natural talent for painting. Interestingly, Youna has never attended any formal art classes and has only painted with the guidance of his mother, Nastaran, and his aunt, Niloufar. Despite this, his innate ability in painting has amazed everyone around him. Youna's first painting was published in 2024 in Kanvasmagazine, an art magazine from Ireland. Since then, he has continued his artistic journey with even more dedication. In his short artistic career, Youna has received numerous awards and recognitions and has become known as one of the young artists in both national and international art communities.

Key Points:

  • Born on March 5, 2019, in Tehran
  • Developed a passion and talent for painting at 6 months old
  • Self-taught, with guidance from his mother and aunt
  • First painting published in Kanvasmagazine (Ireland, 2024)
  • Has won multiple awards and recognitions in a short period
  • Gained recognition as one of the emerging young artists in both national and international art scenes